Better Arts Group Co.,Ltd. is a company, which produces "Pewter" under the brand names "5IVE SIS". Our pewter products are considered to be in the category of "Fine" quality with the main composition being tin in the amount of 97% with the rest being 3% copper and antimony. This remarks our pewter product as lead-free and being safe. Moreover, our products are successfully done with great handicraft and design.

"Pewter" is derived from a combination of metals with the primary metal being tin, which comes from the same line of mineral such as gold. The characteristic of tin is polished and glowing when viewed, which is why this product called pewter turned into a very demanding and popular product among royalties in Europe throughout history because of its value, excelling the status of the beholder of pewter.

In addition, tin is the type of mineral that does not have any from of toxic material hazardous to the human body and in turn can be used as a container for keeping food or equipments used daily. In order for a container or a product to be used in a daily basis requires a minimum of 85% tin and the rest of the composition includes copper, antimony, and other materials. "Pewter" can be categorized into 3 types

"Fine" : Pewters used as containers for putting food in, with the composition of 96% of tin at least, and also copper that does not have lead in it. "Trifle" : aloes used as containers for putting food in but has a characteristic of being less glowing and shiny compared to the "fine" quality because of the decrease in tin, which uses only 92% tin and the rest is 4% copper and 4% lead "Lay" or "laymetal" : Cannot be used for purposes of putting food in because of the composition of lead as high as 15% minimum.


Tray: rose

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